This 26-year-old mother of one child desired breast enhancement surgery to correct changes after pregnancy- mild sagging and loss of upper breast volume. With the assistance of breast measurements and sizers in her bra, Dr. Steele and the patient selected 350cc silicone gel-filled implants placed behind the muscle through an incision along the breast crease. Her surgery was performed at an accredited outpatient Fort Worth surgery center under general anesthesia and took approximately 50 minutes. She was back at work within 3 days and her 3-month results are shown here. She was clearly pleased; here is her actual review: “I couldn’t be more pleased with every aspect. Dr. Steele was a referral. I am positive that Dr. Steele is an incredible doctor who cares about the results of his patients. He is honest and incredibly professional. Thank you, Dr. Steele. I would recommend you to anyone interested in cosmetic surgery.” To learn more about breast implant options, call our office at 817-731-5330.