Botox® and Dysport®

Many patients notice fine lines and wrinkles throughout their face caused by sun damage, smoking, and heredity. These changes can start as early as our 20’s and 30’s. Most young patients are not candidates for, nor do they want invasive procedures. However, non-surgical injectable treatments with neurotoxins such as Botox® and Dysport® are very effective at minimizing and, in some cases, preventing fine lines and wrinkles. For a cosmetic facial procedure that does not require a full surgery, consider talking to us about Botox® in Fort Worth.

Both Dr. Steele and Jennifer Geyer, a highly sought-after Licensed Aesthetician and Certified Injector, are very skilled and have a vast amount of experience with injectables procedures, including Botox® and Dysport®. Contact our office to see how they can help you achieve your desired appearance with this minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure.

man's face with botox before and after
What is Botox® Cosmetic and How Does it Work?

Botox® (onabotulinumtoxin-A) is derived from bacteria that cause botulism. It is highly purified and safe to use in very small doses when injected around and into the facial muscles.

Normal facial movements such as smiling, blinking, talking, and raising our eyebrows cause skin winkles with each movement. Over time, these wrinkles become deeper and more prominent. Botox® and Dysport® work by temporarily paralyzing these muscles and eliminating the active lines, and in many cases the resting lines as well.

In controlled amounts, Botox® can limit the signals that cause the facial muscles to contract and actively work to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. Call to ask about receiving a Botox® procedure at our Fort Worth office.

Good Candidates for Botox® and Dysport®

Botox® is the ideal treatment for those who desire smoother more youthful skin without the need for an invasive surgical procedure. If you’re considering a Dysport® or Botox® treatment, it’s important that you are in good physical health and have realistic expectations about the possibilities of the procedure. We’ll assess the current state of your skin and your medical history to determine if you’d make a good candidate for the treatment.

Benefits of Botox®

Botox® is a minimally invasive treatment that can provide stunning results without the need for an invasive surgical procedure. In just 15 minutes, you can achieve a more youthful look and return to your normal activities with minimal downtime. Many patients opt to receive the treatment over their lunch breaks and go back to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Botox® can help treat many signs of aging, including:

  • Horizontal forehead furrows or creases
  • Frown lines or “parenthesis lines” between the eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet

In addition to these cosmetic benefits, Botox® has also been used for treating migraines and excessive sweating.

During/After Botox® or Dysport® Injections

Botox® injections are not a “one size fits all” technique. Dr. Steele and his team will take the time to assess your individual anatomy and goals in order to customize a plan that is right for you. They use the latest, advanced injection techniques to create a youthful, relaxed appearance that avoids an unnatural, frozen expression.

During your first injection with Dr. Steele or Jennifer, they will explain that it is better to use too little Botox® Cosmetic rather than too much if there is any question about how much to inject. This avoids complications such as an eyebrow that drops, a droopy eyelid, or frozen expression. After 10-14 days, she will revisit with you to see if any “touch up” injections are needed for optimal improvement.

Immediately after your injection, you may notice some slight swelling that will resolve very quickly. There is some occasional bruising associated with injections as well. Ice packs can be helpful during the first 24 hours. You should avoid lying down right after an injection and avoid strenuous activity for the remainder of the day.

Time to see results from Botox® varies somewhat between patients but is usually between three and seven days. Dysport®, a similar neurotoxin works even faster, for those patients who want to see their results more quickly. By 10-14 days, you should notice full effect and can decide whether a touch up appointment is needed. Botox® will last around three to four months in most patients.

How Much Does Botox® and Dysport® Cost?

The price of Botox® and Dysport® treatments in Fort Worth will vary from person to person depending on their individual goals and number of areas treated. We’ll analyze your skin to determine the number of units required to achieve your desired look. Once we have developed your customized treatment plan, we’ll go over the cost that you can expect to pay.

Call and Ask about Botox® and Dysport® in Fort Worth

If you are ready to learn more about how Botox® or Dysport® can improve your appearance, request a consultation online with either Jennifer or Dr. Steele. You can also call our Fort Worth office. We serve patients in Fort Worth, TX and surrounding communities, and we welcome patients who wish to travel from outside the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.