Neck Lift in Parker County

Did you know that your neck is one of the first places to show signs of facial aging? Your neck can develop wrinkles and start to sag, causing a lack of definition along your neck and jaw which can make you appear older than you are.

When you are feeling self-conscious and insecure about your neck, consider a neck lift in Parker County. A neck lift, also known as a face/neck lift, is a surgical procedure that tightens the appearance of the skin under the chin and neck area. A face and neck lift can help restore your neck and jawline contour by removing excess skin and fat and repositioning the loose neck skin. To determine if you are a candidate for a face/neck lift, contact Dr. Steele today.

What Is a Neck Lift and How Do I Know If I Need One?

A neck lift rejuvenates your neck and jawline. It addresses signs of aging, such as sagging skin, excess fat, an undefined jawline, and muscle banding in the neck. The procedure can tighten and smooth your skin, enhancing your overall appearance.

You may wish to pursue a neck lift procedure in Parker County if you have:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging skin (i.e., turkey neck)
  • Undergone significant weight loss, causing the skin on your neck to be loose
  • Excess fat accumulation in your neck (i.e., a double chin or turkey neck)
  • An undefined jawline, which occurs when the neck muscles are weak and the natural definition between the jaw and the neck is lost
  • Muscle banding due to separation and laxity of your platysma muscle.

A neck lift can reposition and remove excess fat deposits, tighten muscles to reduce visible banding, and reduce or eliminate a “turkey neck” by removing excess, sagging skin. Results of a face/neck lift surgery typically last at least 10 years and you will continue to age naturally. Neck tightening can also be combined with a facelift for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Important Considerations Before Your Neck Lift Procedure

Before you decide to have surgery, you should maintain a stable weight and be in generally good health. If you have medical conditions such as hypertension and diabetes, it is essential to get them under control. If you use tobacco products, stopping at least six weeks before and after surgery is mandatory. Dr. Steele will assess your medical history to determine if you are a candidate for a face/neck lift.

Call Our Office To Schedule a Parker County Neck Lift

When you are feeling insecure about the appearance of your neck and are considering surgery, call us. Dr. Steele is highly skilled and sensitive to your specific needs.

You deserve to regain your confidence. Schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable plastic surgeon by contacting our office today. See how a neck lift in Parker County can change your life.