This 36-year-old mother of 3 children lost over 100 pounds after the birth of her youngest child. As a result, she was left with loose, sagging abdominal skin. Dr. Steele’s recommendation was a full abdominoplasty with muscle tightening and flank liposuction. Approximately 3.5 pounds of skin/fat was removed from her abdomen and about 1 pound of fat was removed from each flank. She is thrilled with her results at 9 months and had this to say about Dr. Steele: “Dr. Steele and staff are AMAZING! I would recommend him to anyone who wants a dedicated and sincere surgeon who keeps his patients informed and well taken care of, he performs body miracles!!” Please call our office at 817-731-5330 if you are interested in learning more about body contouring surgery.