As part of her mommy makeover, this 33-year-old mother of 2 children had a breast lift due to breast sagging and a low nipple/areola position. She did not consider breast implants because she felt like she had enough breast volume, however, the volume was too low. During her consultation with Dr. Steele, he discussed reshaping the breast and using some of her own tissue to augment the upper part of her breast, like a natural breast implant. She also underwent a full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) as part of her procedure and had a quick recovery, about 8 days. Both she and her husband are thrilled with her results so far. At 3 months, her photographs show significant improvement of her breast shape and nipple position, with scars that are already fading well. Call our office at 817-731-5330 if you are interested in learning more about a breast lift