There is no way to stop the natural aging process that everyone experiences, but there are ways to help reverse some of these changes. Microneedling is a non-surgical treatment that can give you a younger appearance by promoting skin rejuvenation.

Morpheus8 and Fractora in Midlothian are state-of-the-art microneedling radiofrequency treatments for your skin. They deliver radiofrequency energy into your skin to stimulate production of collagen and elastin which helps give you a more youthful look.

The Difference Between Morpheus8 and Fractora

You may wonder why we offer both Morpheus8 and Fractora in Midlothian. The same company, InMode, makes the equipment to do both treatments, so all we need to do is put the correct handpiece on the main machine to get the treatment you need. We offer both because there are important differences between the two treatment methods.

Fractora can be the best treatment for acne or acne scars. Morpheus8 is more often used for overall skin renewal and is great for the changes in older skin. Both methods help stimulate collagen formation for a more youthful look. As your body responds, you will see the cosmetic improvements happen.

The Morpheus8 microneedles can penetrate your skin deeper than Fractora. Morpheus8 can penetrate up to four millimeters, while the Fractora will only penetrate about 2mm, 1-2 millimeters can make a big difference. Esthetician Jennifer Geyer will evaluate your face at your consultation and, with her extensive experience, decide which will be best for your goals.

Candidates for Microneedling

Because many people can benefit from microneedling treatments, you will likely be a good candidate for Fractora or Morpheus8 treatments in Midlothian. Microneedling can be used safely on a wide variety of skin types and poses very little risk of causing hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin).

When you struggle with one or more of these issues, microneedling may offer smoother, clearer skin:

  • Acne
  • Acne scars
  • Large pores
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Sagging, loose skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Course or uneven skin texture
  • Melasma or other hyperpigmentation problems
  • Stretch marks (this treatment can be used in areas beyond your face)

You never need to wonder if you will get the right treatment for your problems, because Jennifer will help you decide. If your skin needs more than microneedling, she will guide you toward the right therapies.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

Whether you are having a Morpheus8 or Fractora treatment, the process is essentially the same. You will have your treatment in the office, and once finished, you are free to return to your usual activities.

Your session starts with the application of a topical anesthetic to numb your skin, because we want you to be comfortable during the treatment. Treatment time varies depending on the areas to be treated and your unique skin, but it is usually finished in 30 to 45 minutes, making this procedure easy to fit into your busy schedule.

You will start to notice changes with your first treatment, starting with a healthy, pink glow as your skin starts responding to the microneedling and radiofrequency stimulation. For most people, your pink glow will fade over the first 24 hours, but it can stay up to four days. That healthy glow is just the beginning of the wonderful changes that can occur as your body starts to make new collagen and elastin, which will give you continuing improvement.  Most patients will need the full protocol of 3 treatments to get the best results.

Make Your Move for Younger, Healthier-Looking Skin in Midlothian With Morpheus8 and Fractora

If microneedling with radiofrequency sounds like something that might address your concerns, call us for an appointment. You will meet with esthetician Jennifer Geyer to discuss your concerns, and she will help you decide what treatment will work best for you. Morpheus8 and Fractora in Midlothian could be what you need to renew your skin and improve your appearance.