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Just like women, men are prone to showing signs of aging, particularly in the neck region and around the eyes. Historically, it has not been common for men to seek cosmetic surgery. However, increased acceptance of cosmetic procedures and more competitive work environments have led many men under the knife to reverse signs of aging. Sagging skin in the neck area (turkey neck) drastically shows signs of male aging due to decreased elasticity and excess fat. A male neck lift procedure in Fort Worth can dramatically improve the appearance of the neck region.

man smiling in profile

Male Neck Lift Surgery

The male neck lift procedure is less invasive than a facelift, but provides the same dramatic, long-lasting results in the neck and jowl region. The primary difference between a male neck lift and a facelift is the scar location: facelift scars run in front of and behind the ear into the hairline, while male neck lift incisions are located directly on the neck. Direct excision of the neck skin allows for a more powerful reversal of the aging neck. Benefits include:

  • Elimination of loose neck skin
  • Reduction of fat under the chin, jawline
  • Tightening of the neck muscles for improved contour and shape of the neck

The neck scar heals extremely well due to the high blood flow in hair-bearing male facial skin. Click here to see before/after photos of male neck lift patients.

During/After Surgery

Male neck lift procedures in Fort Worth are typically performed as an outpatient under general anesthesia. You should expect bruising and swelling. A small drain is typically placed and removed within the first week. A bulky dressing is applied for gentle pressure and removed in a few days. Sutures are removed around one week, at which time you can resume shaving. Dr. Steele may ask you to wear a compression garment for 1-2 weeks after surgery.

Work activities can generally be resumed within a few days; however, you may wish to take 7-14 days off from work to allow the swelling and bruising to dissipate. It will take up to 3 months for all of the swelling to resolve. Cardio activities can be resumed around 3-4 weeks and gradual return to weight training can be resumed between 4-6 weeks. Dr. Steele will recommend Biocorneum for optimal scar management.

If you are ready to learn more about how a male neck lift can improve your look, request a consultation online with Dr. Steele, or call our office. We serve patients in Fort Worth, TX and surrounding communities and we welcome patients who wish to travel from outside the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

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Case #1
This 70-year-old male did not like the excess skin hanging below his chin and jawline. He did not want the downtime or scars…
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Case #2
This 67-year-old gentleman lost 130 pounds after a lap band procedure. He was left with excess, loose neck skin, that…
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Case #3
This 62-year-old male desired a neck lift to remove sagging skin and improve his neck contour. He was not…
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Frequently Asked Questions

Male neck lift or full facelift?

Most men are primarily concerned with their saggy neck skin. For these patients, a male neck lift will provide significant improvement in the neck. However, for those patients who desire improvement in the middle face, jowling, and neck, a full facelift should be considered. Because of differences in hair patterns between men and women, Dr. Steele will alter the incision placement in male facelift patients for optimal camouflage.

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