Tummy Tuck in Mansfield

Is your waistline losing definition, and do you feel that your diet and exercise routines are having no impact? Do you increasingly feel like your abdomen does not match the rest of your body? Are you tired of always having to wear shapewear to create the appearance of a flat torso?

Many people feel increasingly dissatisfied with their waistlines as they age, especially after significant weight loss or pregnancy. A bulging abdomen can make you look like you are slouching and out of shape. Fortunately, patients in Mansfield, TX can get a tummy tuck from Dr. Matthew H. Steele, a Board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience with patients looking for body contouring solutions.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

The technical term for a tummy tuck is an abdominoplasty, and it is a procedure designed to remove excess abdominal skin and repair bulging or laxity of the abdominal wall muscles. It is frequently combined with liposuction to optimize the final contours. Tummy tucks come in three major varieties:

  1. A mini tummy tuck is suitable for patients without significant abdominal wall laxity with minimal loose skin in the lower abdomen.  It is frequently combined with liposuction of the abdomen to reduce the amount of fat and with Renuvion (add trademark if needed) to optimize skin contraction.
  2. A full abdominoplasty is necessary for most patients in order to address the abdominal wall laxity (rectus diastasis) caused by pregnancy and weight changes. Additionally, this procedure is necessary for those patients with extensive skin laxity.
  3. A 360-degree abdominoplasty or body lift may be necessary for patients after massive weight loss to address the skin laxity that continues laterally and posteriorly around to the low back. With significant weight loss, a traditional abdominoplasty that address only the anterior aspect of the body will leave “dog ears” of loose skin on the sides that require a longer excision to fully address.

During a tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Steele will make an incision low on your abdomen, just above the pubic area.  The skin of the abdomen is elevated off of your abdominal muscles allowing exposure for these muscles to be repaired, correcting the rectus diastasis. Excess skin is then measured and excised, leaving you a flatter, tighter abdomen. The degree of skin excess that is removed will ultimately dictate the final length of your incision.

A tummy tuck carries the same risks as any major surgery, such as anesthesia risks, bleeding, slow healing, and infection. You will have activity restrictions for up to 2 months but can resume light activity and desk work after 10-14 days.

What Are the Contraindications to Getting a Tummy Tuck?

Ideal tummy tuck patients in Mansfield are close to their goal weight and do not plan on further pregnancies. Pregnancy and weight gain/loss will negatively affect your final results. Since a tummy tuck is a major elective surgery, you should be healthy, refrain from smoking, and have no preexisting conditions that might negatively impact your odds of a smooth recovery.

Call Dr. Matthew Steele for a Tummy Tuck in Mansfield Today!

A tummy tuck is a plastic surgery that requires the use of general anesthesia and at least an 8-week recovery period. It will leave a scar, but we make sure to keep it as concealed as possible, even when wearing a bikini. If you are ready to upgrade your body’s profile, a tummy tuck can give you reliable and long-lasting results.

If you would like to learn more about getting a tummy tuck in Mansfield, call our office and book an initial consultation today.