Pregnancy and breastfeeding, aging, weight loss, and breast cancer treatments can change the breasts’ shape, size, or positioning. Breast implants remain one of the most popular cosmetic breast augmentation surgeries, but some women want a more moderate, natural option for increasing breast volume.

You may be less familiar with fat transfer breast augmentations compared to breast implants. In the last few decades, plastic surgeons have become increasingly skilled at using body fat to enhance breast size and shape. As these techniques have been refined and become widely available, more and more women are interested in fat transfer breast augmentation. Fortunately, Dr. Matthew H Steele is experienced in fat transfer augmentation and can perform this procedure at our Fort Worth office.

surgeon using liposuction to remove fat from patient's back The Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Process

Fat transfer breast augmentation is sometimes also called “fat grafting” or “lipo-injection.” Dr. Steele will remove excess fat from a different part of your body using liposuction techniques that do not damage the fat cells. The fat will then be processed and purified in the operating room and injected around the breast tissue using a small cannula. Fat cannot be placed into the breast tissue, only into the subcutaneous fat above the breast tissue, as well as under the breast, and into the pectoralis muscle. As a result, the amount of fat transferred is limited, and achieving optimal results may take three to five injection procedures. Dr. Steele has the training and experience necessary to develop a customized approach so you can get the most out of a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure.

Comparison to Traditional Implants

A primary reason more women in Fort Worth are choosing fat transfer breast augmentation today is because it is more natural and has a lower risk of complications than breast implants. Recovery time is considerably quicker and less painful, too. It also eliminates the need for breast implant replacement or removal surgery in the future. Some patients also prefer the more moderate and subtle appearance of this type of breast augmentation over the look of implants. In some cases, fat grafting can be combined with a breast implant to help improve the overall look. This “composite” augmentation is particularly helpful when adding fat to the inner breast to help improve the cleavage zone.

surgeon holding breast implant above tray

It is crucial to understand that fat transfer breast augmentation will not dramatically alter breast size or shape. It is most appropriate for adding roundness to the top of the breast and potentially going up one cup size. For patients who want to add significant breast size, implants will be a better fit. Fat grafting is particularly helpful for breast cancer patients who have undergone a mastectomy with implant-based reconstruction. Fat grafting can help add volume (especially in the upper breast) and help minimize visible wrinkling and rippling of the implant.

Another significant advantage of fat transfer breast augmentation is that it is two procedures in one. In addition to adding breast shape and volume, Dr. Steele will also slim and contour parts of the body with excess fat. Surgeons will often harvest fat from the abdomen, waist, hips, and back. Since fat transfer breast augmentation relies on autologous (self-derived) fat, women who are very lean or who do not have areas they want to reduce are not good candidates for fat transfer breast augmentation.

Schedule Your Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation at Our Fort Worth Office

Fat transfer breast augmentation adds shape and size to the breasts while eliminating unsightly fat deposits elsewhere. After breastfeeding or weight loss, you may have noticed that the tops of your breasts have become less rounded. Or you may want a moderately bigger chest size without implants. If so, fat transfer breast augmentation performed at our Fort Worth office might be the ideal choice for you. Call today and set up a time to speak with Dr. Steele.